Chocolate Candy & Truffle Recipes


Chocolate Crème De Mints

2 c Milk Chocolate Chips;Nestles
1/4 c Sour Cream
2 1/2 T Mint Flavored Liqueur

Melt over hot (not boiling) water, milk chocolate chips; stir until smooth. Remove from heat. Blend in sour cream. Stir in mint flavored liqueur. Transfer to a small bowl. Chill until thickened, about 30 minutes. Fill pastry bag fitted with decorative tip; pipe 1-inch candies onto foil-lined cookie sheets. Chill until ready to serve.

Chocolate Raisin Truffles

250 g pure chocolate
250 g white chocolate
5 cl Grand Marnier
1/8 l fresh cream
50 g raisins
50 g cocoa butter
100 g milk chocolate

Preparation time:

3 days to soak the raisins
1 hour for cooling

Soak the raisins in Grand Marnier for three days. Fold a bit of aluminum foil around a stick. Melt the pure chocolate. Gently dip the sticks in the chocolate to form a little container. Put them on fat free paper. Make the other chocolate containers and save some pure chocolate. Cook the cream and melt the white chocolate.  Mix the cream and  chocolate and add Grand Marnier after cooling. Remove the aluminum from the chocolate and put a few raisins in each of them. The white filling -the experts call it 'ganache'- goes in. Melt the milk chocolate and mix with the cocoa powder.  Put this mixture over the white ganache. Decorate your chocolates with the remainder of the pure chocolate.

Rich Chocolate Pumpkin Truffles

2 1/2 c Vanilla wafers, crushed
1 c Almonds, toasted & ground
1/2 c Powdered sugar, sifted
2 ts Cinnamon
6 oz Chocolate chips (semi-sweet)
1/2 c Pumpkin (canned)
1/3 c Coffee liqueur
1/4 c Powdered sugar, sifted

*Note: Apple juice may be substituted for coffee liqueur if desired.

In medium bowl, combine vanilla wafer crumbs, ground almonds, the 1/2 cup powdered sugar, and cinnamon. Blend in chocolate, pumpkin, and coffee liqueur. Form into 1-inch balls. Chill. Dust with remaining powdered sugar just before serving.

White Chocolate-Coffee Truffles

3/4 c Whipping cream
1 tb of Instant espresso or coffee powder
14 oz of white choc., (finely chopped)
2 tb of Kahlua

Dipping chocolate:

1 lb of White chocolate, very finely chopped
2 ts of Vegetable oil
3 tb of Choc.-covered coffee beans, (finely chopped)

Making the truffles: In a medium sized saucepan, bring the espresso powder and cream to a boil. pour the chocolate over and whisk until melted. Then whisk in the Kahlua. Refrigerate until chilled & firm. With a tablespoon, place pieces of the choc. onto a foil-lined baking sheet. Refrigerate to firm; roll into balls and refrigerate again for around 30 min.

Preparing the dipping chocolate: In the top of a double boiler set over hot water, place the choc. and oil. stir until melting point. Remove the top of the double boiler from the heat and stir until the chocolate has completely melted. Then continue to stir until the choc. has cooled & reaches a temp. of 90 deg. F.
Prepare 2 baking sheets by lining them with aluminum foil. Dip each candy center into the melted chocolate, shaking off the excess and place on baking sheet. When you have dipped a row of candies, top each with a little of the chocolate- covered coffee bean. Before each dipping, stir the chocolate vigorously with your fingers. If the centers become too soft, chill for about 30 minutes. Let the candies sit for around 2 hrs. before storing in the refrigerator. If the centers start to come through the bottoms of the chocolates, as often happens with soft mixtures, dip the bottoms again in melted & cooled chocolate.

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