Valentine's Day Sale! - Save up to $30

Valentine's Day Sale!
Save up to $30 Affiliate Program

It all started in 1994 with an online subscription service offering microbrewed beers. Beer enthusiasts everywhere cheered, and soon became a phenomenon. Today, our Beer of the Month club is #1 in the country, and we offer five additional popular clubs on our powerhouse websites, which drive substantial traffic and consistently convert. Our product quality and selection is simply unparalleled. Flexible memberships, outstanding product information and a unique gourmet focus also set us apart. We invite you to share in our success as a affiliate.

Program Benefits at a Glance

If you have a website, our free affiliate program through Commission Junction is a great way to offer your visitors exceptional products, and easily earn extra revenue.

  • Affiliates earn up to $12 commission for every membership. Plus, multiple promotions every year give you the opportunity to earn even more.
  • 90 return days. As long as your customers sign up for one of our clubs within 90 days of their first click-through, you earn a commission.
  • Compelling creative that converts clicks to sales. All you need to do is post links on your site!
  • Keyword bidding (see our policy below).

How it works:

  • Apply to our program at no cost. If accepted, you'll be ready to begin right away.
  • Add a link from your site to, or any of our six club websites.
  • You'll have access to banner ads and text links that you can use to promote our site.
  • You'll earn up to $12 commission for every membership (90 return days).

Get started today with four simple steps:

  1. Review our Program Terms
  2. Complete the online application
  3. Get links for your site
  4. Start marketing!

Guidelines for Approval

In order to be a affiliate, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Your website must be fully launched and operational (i.e., not "under construction").
  • Your website must not display content that may be deemed offensive, pornographic, illegal or questionable.

If we think your site is a good fit and approve your application, you may begin promoting on your site. Please note that we may remove your site at any time if your website or actions violate the terms of our Affiliate Agreement.

Keyword Bidding Policy

We encourage affiliates to bid on related keywords, and we provide our special "search affiliates" with "long-tail" word suggestions. Contact Us for lists of suggested words. Please include "Long Tail" in the subject line.

Trademark Bidding Policy:

With regard to trademark bidding, we prohibit affiliates from bidding ABOVE US on any related trademarks, URLs, misspellings, etc. on search engines and shopping portals or similar business models. YOU MUST ALSO USE YOUR OWN DISPLAY URL.

The complete policy governing keyword bidding is detailed in the Affiliate Agreement.